Do you provide training when my website is completed?

All websites come with free training

Nick France

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

We've just completed your website, you're happy with it and you've signed off on its completion. What's next, and will we train you on how to use your new Wordpress Content Management System (CMS)? 

Training Session

Absolutely, upon completion of every site we build for our clients, we then set up a Zoom meeting for a free training session. You can set up a free Zoom account prior to our meeting. Here we can both share our computer screens for training purposes. If you're local, we can do the training in person. Either way, in this meeting you'll undergo a full hour of free training. We cover exactly what you'll need to know in order to add, edit and delete pages and posts. We'll train you on how to use the Media Library so you can add, edit and delete media on your posts and pages like photos, graphics, documents, audio and video.

How Much Will I Know After My Training Session?

Will you be a certified Wordpress expert at the end of our training? Probably not, but you will have sufficient knowledge in order to maintain your website easily and quickly. Luckily, there's a wealth of knowledge and online training on the subject and we've furnished links in this article to some of the best. Reference them as often as you like.

Wordpress Support and Resources

Do I Have To Undergo Training? 

Some of our clients will skip this training for two reasons: either they're already comfortable and/or proficient with the Wordpress CMS, or they would, for whatever reason, rather hire NFD to maintain their website and we do offer a website maintenance package that provides the peace of mind of leaving it to professionals, giving you more time to do what you do in running your business.

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